Tag Archives: homemade pancake recipe

Sunday Morning Pancake Bunny Tushies

Source: thechickncoop.blogspot.com

We have seen quite a lot of bunny tushies flying around the web these last few days, and we think they are just adorable. Of course, some of the projects we’ve seen are way beyond our area of expertise so we decided to simplify the idea of a bunny tushie into an easy and fun to make, pancake breakfast.
We used our homemade pancake recipe to make these pancakes.
We poured a regular sized scoop of batter to form just an ordinary pancake. Then we poured a small amount of batter to make two smaller, more oval shaped pancakes for the feet.
Simple, right?
To dress up our pancakes we added a slice of a strawberry to each foot. Then we added 3 egg shaped sprinkles to complete the “pads” on the bunny feet. You could also use chocolate chips for the pads of the feet.
We gave it a spritz of whip cream to make the tail, and we were finished!
So quick, easy, and super cute! Perfect for our skill level!!
Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday!

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Filed under Easter, Fun Foods